Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Thursday, 21 May 1931
Visited Philipdom re Birven [Henri Birven] and Co. Karl [Karl Germer] again refused to keep his word re the RM 500. K[arl] is a miserable swine when he gets these fits. And he lied to me like a clergyman.
Opus[1] A1 despite Karl’s villainy. (Museln is more polite than Fotzen)
(From /’See Memoranda at end’/Zuhalterpimp. Karl’s work for May 21. Robbed me of a day of work. Made a disgraceful exhibition of himself before his lawyer. Forced me to use the gravest (and most costly) financial expedients. Broke up all my carefully matured plans. Spoiled two promising friendships. Brought the Monster [Hanni Jaeger] back on the map, just when I thought I was at last rid of her. Hurt my credit everywhere. Caused a violent scene at the pension. Made me very seriously ill—asthma, bronchitis etc.)
1—Crowley performs a magical sexual operation.