Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 26 May 1931



[H.M. Queen Mary’s Birthday. Crowley: Oh Shit!]


I am quite satisfied that my name is indelibly associated with “Do what thou wilt.” Ergo, I have done my job. ??????


One good thing about lies is that one can always arrange times (?) etc. as need arises.


Great row with Germer [Karl Germer]. Even his tyres blew up with the heat!


Louise [Louise Aschaetzsch] back—to dinner. I mean this. See Memoranda.


(Memoranda—one of the greatest days I ever had. Sonia rang up—and yet had departed for ever. The woman from Meiche’s rang—met at 5—n[o] g[ood]. She’s tired. Louise to dinner: I fed the brute.


Erik after—flirted. Went to Herkules. (This is the briefest resume of a very exciting day.) Monster [Hanni Jaeger] rang up too. Lunches to-morrow with Erik and Gertrud.)


