Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 5 July 1932
Began URECIDIN [medication used to treat gout].
To Colney Hatch [to visit Maria de Miramar]. Dr Paterson and Dr [Alexander] Cannon. Latter v.[ery] nice. Really good of Yorke [Gerald Yorke]—his P.Y. [pranayama] is A1 and his reaction to hypnosis stronger than I thought. Cannon has rather a bug in his brain over hypnosis. He advised me to leave Marie [Maria de Miramar] severely alone. He agreed that the case is hopeless, even should sanity temporarily return.
Bill [Bertha Busch] insisted on making rows ‘.’ the expts. kept me. Screamed in street. So showed her two other ladies doing it. One specialized in “fucking old piss-hole” the other “fucking old shit-bag.” Edifying.