Aleister Crowley AMRITA Treatment

Monday, 23 January 1933



Strictly Private and Confidential.


A M R I T A.


Experiment on A.O. [Crowley], begun January 23rd 1933. e.v. Interim Report at end of Week VI of the Purifications.


Preliminary Notes.


(1) The conditions of the Experiment are very unfavourable indeed, for the following reasons:—


(a) A.O. has neglected his health altogether for some years past. There are several serious troubles of long standing, in particular—


i. Asthma.

ii. Bronchitis.

iii. Neurasthenia.

iv. Obesity.

v. Stricture.

vi. Some cardiac distress.

vii. Greying Hair.

viii. Loss of Interest in Sex.


(b) This neglect has been due to extreme distress and anxiety, which still persist.


(c) The actual physical conditions suitable for the Experiment are not available; there is also uncertainty as to whether it will be possible to carry out the Experiment at all, even in the restricted manner devised to meet the situation.


(d) It is altogether impossible to prepare the Elixir properly until the above obstacles (a) (b) and (c) have been entirely removed. The attempts made to prepare it in the course of this 6 weeks have been only partially satisfactory.


The substitute-Purifications were carried out principally by Mr. Archibald Cochran, at 142, Great Portland Street. They consisted, for the most part, of:—


(a) Colon Massage.

(b) Loosening of the Vertebrae.

(c) Loosening of certain other bones, especially in the region of the neck.

(d) Exposure of the head, arms, and trunk to Ultra-Violet and Sunlight Rays.

(e) Special treatment of the Scalp.


These methods were supplemented by A.O. in the following ways:—


(a) A course of treatment by Uriceden.

(b) Certain secret methods of "Magick." He has not yet ventured to begin serious dieting.


