Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 17 July 1937



[I Ching hexagram] XLVII.


Complicated journey. Stupid r'way officials, obstacles. [I Ching hexagram] L.[ine] 3.


Slept in Rye Gin (?) Garden.


To amber Speldridge.




PER WEISER ANTIQUARIAN - On 17 July 1937, Crowley arrived at Edward Noel Fitzgerald's holiday house at Camber Sands, near Hastings, where he had been invited to stay for a week.  While there Crowley received a package from another acquaintance, Prof. Henry Chellew, a University lecturer who seems to have had some association with R. Swinburne Clymer of the Fraternitas Rosae Crucis. The package contained a book by Clymer entitled The Priesthood of Ęth and a letter. Crowley was not overly impressed, writing in his diary: "Wed. 21. 37. The surprise was rather in the morning. The Priesthood of Ęth and long letter-rather ravings-from Chellew." Before leaving Crowley gave the book to FitzGerald, who wrote on the first blank, in pencil: "Given to me by A.C. at Camber."


