Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 15 September 1937



[I Ching hexagram] L.

[I Ching hexagram] Line 1. Pat [Patricia MacAlpine]!

[I Ching hexagram] Line 2. Good lunch.

[I Ching hexagram] Line 3. Pleasant surprise?

[I Ching hexagram] Line 4. ?

[I Ching hexagram] Line 5. O.K.

[I Ching hexagram] Line 6. O.K.


Shall I send the letter I have written to J.F.C. Carter [Lieutenant Colonel John Carter] re. AMORC [I Ching hexagram] L!! Yes, I will.


Wrote several important letters.


Pat did not ring.


Bad lunch—heavy rain—slept—vomited—[I Ching hexagram] lines 2, 3-4.


The Sanctuary .15 3 [Mars] aet(?) 25, 40,7 5 about 20 [Venus] 3 or 4 looked v.[ery] good prospects (16 Manor Park Cresc).


Evelyn Harley EDG 4469. . . . rang & couldn't get answer. See [I Ching hexagram] Line 3.


