Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 19 October 1937



[I Ching hexagram] XXXII.


Refused D.[aily] Herald £100.


The drunken blackguard Swift[1] is dead. (N.B. The sot's swinish injustice gave me the best thing that ever happened: Deidre [Patricia MacAlpine] & Ataturk [Aleister Ataturk]!)


Lummer & Waleyne dinner with me & Evelyn.


Palethorpe rang up



1—Mr. Justice Swift was the judge who presided over Crowley's libel suit against Nina Hamnett and the printers/publishers of her book Laughing Torso.  The judge stated at the end of the trial thet "Never have I heard such dreadful, horrible, blasphemous, abominable stuff as that produced by a man describing himself as the greatest living poet."


