Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Thursday, 24 March 1938
[I Ching Hexagram] 35.
Yorke [Gerald Yorke] rang up & asked me to lunch.
Joan Loftus ordered horoscope for Pamela French d. of Sybil Marks 44 Blandford St. Joan L.
Now at 16 Thayer St. Fox here for pictures: (Ink rocks).
Bolivar 1.30 V.I. [Gerald Yorke] Good lunch & £1.2.6. & Maiden's Ordeal Joan Dobson—lapin.
Lilian Finch—missed after finding.
Forgot pipe at 12.15: didn't miss it till 5! (Cigar at lunch, though!)
Saw "Charlie Chan on Broadway."
No luck at night.