Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 5 April 1938



[I Ching Hexagram] 18.


Vyvyan Deacon came in about 7 A.M. Taller, thinner, paler than in life. Dressed in whitish suit of flannels. Seemed to want to speak, but I heard nothing.


Stella Hilling wrote.


Saw Munro: dealt with "troubles".


1.15 Demos [restaurant] Grove [Edward Grove]. The oaf called it off.


[Dr.] Porterfield [Crowley's Dentist] 3.30. Better news.


'phoned Yorke [Gerald Yorke]. Arranged about Mortaldello copies with Mike at last. He sends Saturnus [Karl Germer] £2.10.0.


Home at 9.30 L.6.


