Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 28 May 1938



[I Ching Hexagram] 3 [AC originally had [I Ching Hexagram] 46].


Yes, indeed!


No letters.


Missed Driberg [Tom Driberg] 3 times on long-distance phone see [I Ching Hexagram] line 1.


Mattie [Pickett] wired she couldn't come. See [I Ching Hexagram] line 2.


I gave up [I Ching Hexagram] see line 3.


But in P.M. I ran into Rose Marie Hodgson in Atlantis [Bookshop] gave her a 11 & explained lots of Magick. She bought a "Moonchild" & I've asked her to write it all up. See [I Ching Hexagram] line 4.


Home at 9.40 see [I Ching Hexagram] line 6.


F[ortnum] & M[ason] failed to deliver my Perique—& I'm short!


