Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 13 August 1938



[I Ching Hexagram] 58.


At Newlyn a furious Phylli.

Said: Christ, I have frigged myself silly.

I cannot ask Granny

To tickle y Fanny

I'll marry that bugger Bodilly.


Scandal from Mrs. Crosby Garstin, baby-killer, of Lamorna (Aug. 11).


Talked with Edgar K. Bruce.


J.B.J. [John B. Jameson] rather elusive at lunch. Doesn't take GW [Great Work] quite seriously enough.


Pat [Patricia MacAlpine] & Ataturk [Aleister Ataturk] in P.M.


Greta [Sequeira] never phoned at all.


Silly notes from Frieda [Frieda Harris] & [F.W.] Hylton.


Hellish depression.


Moved to Union Hotel Penzance.


Chat with Manchester folk.


