Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 6 September 1938



[I Ching Hexagram] 54.


(See May 13 Jameson [John B. Jameson] & O.T.O.)


Jackson had hurt his hand: massage off.


Mr. Moss—tailor of camels.


Wired Evelyn—telegram not delivered (Not her fault this time).


1 O'c Greta [Sequeira] to lunch—no, gone to Italy.


5 Frieda [Frieda Harris] here with red curtains & tiny chest of drawers.


6 J.B.J. [John B. Jameson] talk: he'll send £25.


Tremendous thunderstorm started as he left.


My telephone went west: dialing tone sole issue of effort.


Annoyed about Maisie [Clarke], decided to find an even lower whore. Succeeded.


