Aleister Crowley Memorandum re Mr. John Bland Jameson Wednesday, 28 December 1938
See HERE for Full Memorandum (12 May 1938 - 7 February 1939)
A violent telegram from Mr Jameson that a sudden crises had arisen. He had been spending Xmas with his family, and was leaving for Switzerland that night, on theatrical business. I thought it wise to provide myself with an authority to act in his absence, and it was dictated to our secretary. Apparently he put it in his pocket and then could not find it anywhere; he accordingly wrote out in a great hurry an alternative form:
"This is to authorise Mr. E.A. Crowley to act on my behalf during my absence on holiday—valid until January 17 (signed) J.B. Jameson"
I had very careful instructions on no account was his family to know that he had gone abroad.