Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 24 January 1940



[I Ching Hexagram] 48.


Very long 3-decker dream. Began with Hitler visiting somewhere; huge boards(?), one Won B. “Cochons a la keyl.” Then a book on Qabalah, but authoress was “It Quible” Preface: a volume in itself—Phallic geometric pictures, Satanic parodies of diagrams—Then, I was taking books of mine as propaganda to some place near B.M. La. . . . pamphlets, called on M. Juste [Michael Juste]. There, a fair slim boy, who followed me as disciple. I was in my AA Neophyte robe! Then: Convention in hall during French Revltn.: people were guillotined, esp. one white-haired woman; then “Louis the surgeon.” This woke me. An earlier episode; I had moved to some camp: lots of sex incidents; some of my stores (from 57 [57 Petersham Road-Crowley's current residence]) got stolen.


