Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 31 March 1940



[I Ching Hexagram] 24.

Dear Sir Percy Harris,


The late William Willett [a proponent of Daylight Savings Time] was one of my best friends: I was his earnest . . . . Since so much good has been done—& so inexpensively—by pretending that 7 o’c. is really 8 o’c. & so on, could we not improve matters still more by pretending that April 1 is May 1 & so forth, which would not only encourage agriculture, but prepare people for the real coup at the end of the year, when we could skip to 1942 & thus shorten the war? I feel it is in some sort incumbent upon me etc.

Landator Temporis Cocti.


Quiet day.


Toyed with Vivian: let him draw last game [of chess].


