Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 2 September 1940



[I Ching Hexagram] 50.


2.15 A.M. No sleep! Do I miss the friendly warble of the [air raid] sirens?


Have been toying with idea of set of allegorical figures eg. Creation. Huge Egg with H.P.K. gripped by lotus on Nile. Magar (?) & tiger like Heraldic supports. All beneath Tahuti with style etc. See memoranda, infra. [list of animals]


Raid 8.10 a.m. - 8.50, 4.30 P.M. - 5.50.


Colour reproduction Burlington Engraving Co. 16 New St EC4 CEN 1581.


Mr. Hardcastle mentioned Cammell [Charles Cammell]. Cammell & Mabella.


Air raid later.


