Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 6 September 1940



[I Ching Hexagram] 40.


5 o’c. A.M. all clear.


Siren muddle at once. 9.30-10 A.M. 1.10 P.M.-2. 6 P.M.-6.40. 8.50-11.15. 11.35-1 A.M. Saturday.


Another day of windless heat.


Asthma really bad all day. Very severe attacks followed short walk (to the Castle.


Even crossing the room, even chatting with Cammell [Charles Cammell] & Mabell, even 3/4 glass Amontillado, even cup Chicken broth: all started hell.


Extra heroin did some good, but not much.


