Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 20 October 1940



[I Ching Hexagram] 10.


Sykes Ives called: dull, prolix & flatulent as ever. (N.B. Had given him copy of mine to P.M.G. He was too stupid to understand it! Thought it was for him!! Mention a hotel, he gives you full details with history, of every hotel in Torquay. He is, in deed rather like the Grace of God—more & more a-bounding.


Wrote several long letters 5 1/2 A.M. to 9 1/2.


Strolled, read papers, cooked—great success of Roast Lamb & Pommes Lyonnaises.


Shikar [hunt for a sexual partner] in wet. Explored Imperial & made progress with Clapham barmaid.


