Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 31 December 1940
[I Ching Hexagram] 51.
Symbol for having Sophie [Sophie Burt] here: [I Ching Hexagram] 58. Tui.
Quiet day mostly preparing curries & the like.
Sophie at 8 to talk business. We agreed to try it out.
Love is the law, love under will.
I buggered a boy in the black-out His name was John Aubrey Long And as I was hauling the slack out He broke into lov-e-ly song: “Oh mother, dear mother, you said it! You surely forsaw what would come With every good reason to dread it I’ve got a man’s prick in my bum.” And the chorus of Ai-yr Raid Wardens Came ‘umming like ‘arps in the ai-yer “This is not at all in accordance With what Father told us was fai-yer.”
The Bishop of London, appealed to Said “Bugger’s under my ban Whatever induced you to yield to The prayer of this dirty old man,” “Saying: Anthony, darling, I want ye I promise I’ll not make ye sore Dear Anthony, don’t be a conchie But help us in winning the war.” And the chorus of Ai-yer Raid Wardens They made a most joy-a-ful noise: Our Wellingtons! Avelocks & Gordons All started by buggering boys.”
They gave me command of the Navy I sailed up the Shore to Berlin Stick it out! was the signal I gave: I Heard Anthony say “Stick it in!” Singing “Mother, dear Mother, I’m doing Be’ind just what you did before It may be my maw-orral ru-ing At least I am winning the war And the chorus of Ai-yer Raid Wardens Burst out into jubilnt song That evry thing’s fine in the garden’s The work of John Anthony Long