Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 14 February 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 15.


April day. Felt much better.


Stayed up till 11 P.M.—first time since Jan. 9.


Except for pseudo-blood tarts, women who are free sexually are usually free socially. Burt can’t make the grade; she will not accept the status of friendship; her inferiority galls her day & night.



Idea of Magical "Union of Men" to beat Nazis. I need (a) symbol to bring victory. (b) a plan (Secret Lodges n.[o] g.[ood]) (c) a way to put it across. V for Valentine and Victory. V.V.V.V.V. 8º=3o is rather hot, because of L.V.X. and the Sign of Apophis and Typhon and the Horns of The Devil! See Levi [Eliphas Levi] on Vintras. P.S. V is Vau a nail: seal in H[itler]'s coffin. But Z a sword much better; and Z is N for Nazi knocked sideways! But Z isn't much of an initial: Zeal about the only relevant word, and to English people the letter itself seems frilly א is of course a Swastika!



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