Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 4 March 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 29.


Advice re. Abbey. [I Ching hexagram] 4 Mang. This is the plainest “Go ahead”—topical & exact dovetailing. P.S. Curios! It wasn’t 4 Earth/Luna but 39 Luna/Earth. Yet I feel unshaken that 4 was meant! 39 means “difficulties,” yet advises settling down.


And see Thwan—”advantage in S.W.”!


Mrs. Burt refused to pay her rent. Most curious. If she had not done so, I should have paid £5 of my own rent, & Clark would have sent the(?) cheque back!


So I really gained £5 by Burt’s dishonesty & treachery!


Locked her doors: then decided to let things work out unaided.


Frieda [Frieda Harris] payed Clark my rent, and asked him not to tell me!!!


Fuse blew—all over house.


House-agent failed to call.


