Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 17 March 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 17.
Symbol for “Barton Brow” [I Ching hexagram] 51. Chen. See Thwan!!! Also [I Ching hexagram] lines 1, 2,—all of ‘em!.
One Wheeler plus wench approached me, asking for one Warner. Disclosing my grandeur, he avowed himself pal of L. Evans.
1 o’c. Mallock. He was late, & had to dash off.
“Followed” Court Cottage Cockington. Tel:65179. Message for taking this house. [I Ching hexagram] 4. Mang. Earth/luna. Sol plus K. Good for repose & work, but hard slogging. Took this symbol about 10 P.M.
Tried once more effect of half dose—about 9 o’c.—i.e. 1/12 H.[eroin].