Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Friday, 21 March 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 33.
See entry 11 P.M. 20th!!
[horary figure]
Note well: this figure has Neptune Luna [cauda draconis] on top, like all those of the first-class Magical events in my life. Note [Luna Neptune cauda draconis] alone above horizon, as in all my great moments.
Asa sent 11/- for “Yoga [Eight Lectures on Yoga].”
Chess v. Adler 10 1/2- 3 1/2 v. AN other 1-0.
See Memoranda after Dec. 31 for Mag Diary. [Section is: March 20-21 Dream. (Invoked a message from Masters) Concerning Pinochle “Pea-knuckle”—not in Nuttall! This game (in the dream) was like the Brahmin’s Rings or “Whore’s Patience.”
If you upset the lay-out you had to start over again.
This was not a card game. Some parallel with the Yi & Our theory of the Universe. A caterpillar dream (I have just invented this term: means a dream that winds along in overlapping sections without changing its main theme or character): main object, to find the apparatus of the game in some progressed form, & move it; better, to buy it. I was (I think) in bombed London, my idea to seek it in Jews shops. Gamage, in particular. (Gamage a Jew? Expect I thought of the name because of telephoning him last spring about a shove-ha’penny board). Concise Oxf. Dict. says: “Game like Bezique (US)(?)” Possibly from [PNChAL: heb] Pinochael:169. This great Angel operates vast changes (169-13X13). Bezique is very full of Marriages of Kings & Queens.
There might be some relation with
the Tarot, which is a Wheel, whereas the Yi changes by
constant reversals. I accepted Pinochael as the Word of