Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Thursday, 27 March 1941
[I Ching Hexagram] 9. “Small restraint.”
X. [Grace M. Horton] writes: “have ordered whisky, but doubt if they’ll sent it” “will try to get my Ration Book, but owner is out, & I think P.[ost] O.[ffice] closes to-day,” “went to a dance last night, but Army boots ain't a help in dancing.” She mis-worded an authority for Alice [Alice Florey] to get stuff from Harrod’s.
Long p.p. dream. I had got to(?) Algeria, was accosted by 1/2 Turk-1/2 Arab boy. I slightly distrusted him (normal caution) & we couldn’t find a place. He lived some distance away by train: lots of “small restraint.” “Small restraint” soon overcome— after man, having knocked vainly, left torch (repaired) within my gates. I got packing to within 5 minutes of start, went downtown & had a quite unrestrained dinner—sherry, lobster, fruit salad, & port with a cheroot.
And so to bed.