Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 30 March 1941



[I Ching Hexagram] 62.


Woke early—room v.[ery] cold.


Sent Word [Word of the Equinox] to Max Schneider. W.T. Smith [Wilfred. T. Smith], then [crossed out?—] F.W. Hylton. L.U.W. [Louis Wilkinson].


Wrote Asa Apex [Printing Services] X. [Grace M. Horton] goes up!


Mrs. Balsdon (good!) cried off; I cried her back again for evening. (Her husband had come home, & had a belly-ache).


Went on violently with “Scient outlook.”


Saw Moon very young indeed in a very clear sky.


11.30 P.M. Noises almost alarming. Oh well, just tempests pouring into the house!


