Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 7 April 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 17.
Chess v.[ersus] Adler 7-0. Two games really brilliant, in my best style; esp. one with double sacrifice of exchange. The other a nice K[nigh]t. sacrifice in a Kt. & P.[awn] ending.
Ham [Gerald Hamilton] wrote he would come 8th.
Grant started to worry me for £19 drink.
April 19. Note that the Refusal to count money is the complete upset of the base of old-Aeon ideas of Equity. It is the Naysaying to the spirit of the Jew, which has rotted the soul of mankind. No more let the heroic man, who has risked his life daily & lost a limb or two, starve on the doorsteps of the coward he had protected!