Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Monday, 9 April 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 36.
1.45 Awake from very strange long dream, part sexual, part playing chess with Winter[1] in my own house (but my mother & I think my father alive & present). Gerald Kelly there too.
Bad asthma 1/6 H.[eroin]. H. in the small hours is very bad indeed. Next time I will try 10 min. Adrenalin.
3.25 A.M. heard X. [Grace M. Horton] cough; went in; she refused fire [Heroin].
8.20 Woke, feeling “H.-rotten”; tea in bed.
Shame! X much better: ashamed of yesterday. She went & shopped perfectly.
Dora consulted me on Reincarnation k.t.l. [etc.]!!
Lesly Blanche wrote a loud unrationed Beef about the falsity of men!!!!! Leslie!!!!!!!.
Mrs. M. (Doris) sent men to fix wireless! n plus 1. My telegram produced competent electricians!
I finished my National Anthem of Free England & went on with other war poetus.
X worse than ever repeating medical details of her career endlessly. Really too much.
9.30 P.M.-12.5 A.M. Wrote long answer to Leslie.
1—[William Winter, solicitor, International Chess Master, and chess correspondent of the Daily Worker. He was the Chess Champion of Great Britain in 1935-36.]