Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 11 April 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 6.


5.0 Woke & started work.


Went on for 20 hours; drank too much in order to keep going.


So Saturday A.M. woke 6.30 am with asthma, nose badly clogged, & was actually sick. DON'T DO IT AGAIN.


Put up some black-out paper, bulbs etc. Some fear of dropping tintacks etc. too many things in hands. (Was this cause of incident in dream? See April 6 & 12?)


3.0 Capt. Plant to chess 2-0. He is very impressed by the power & precision of my endgame.


X. [Grace M. Horton] a bit cantankerous at night.


Wrote F.H. [Frieda Harris] mostly “business.” Greta [Valentine]. Alice [Alice Florey].


[Air raid] Alert 9.30 (circa) usual; but very loud & numerous ‘planes over till 12 & -?


