Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 13 April 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 38.


X. [Grace M. Horton] woke in a rage (Evidence of D. Everett). Complained of (a) everything (b) pain in jaw. So, instead of lunch, I had to go to ‘phone her doctor, get his prescription over the ‘phone, ‘phone one chemist, call on another, persuade him to deliver it. When it came, said she didn’t believe in medicine!!


“Grateful Patient”! Long orgy of complaint, suspicion, & abuse. I had to be frank with her. This did good; she was better, & smiling at 4 P.M., at 5 1/2, asleep.


Wrote to M.A. Sutherland [Maurice. A. Sutherland], Tom Driberg, W.T. Smith [Wilfred T. Smith].


She was well & happy. I went to make her soup.


7.30 Sobbing her heart out, but friendly.


9 1/2 Complaining of everything again. I distrust these quick recoveries: it is just like one of the “Fatal Three.”


These two-three days I have read John Read’s “Prelude to Chemistry”—sound summary, but not profound.


