Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 15 April 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 50.


Went shopping.


Extracted 1/4 lb. Perique [tobacco].


Cash now 1/11 3/4 plus numismatic hoard of tickeys.


X. [Grace M. Horton] slept well & woke cheerful. Went for walk while I was out. But pain in jaw came on very severely before lunch. This, she says, is always nagging: she must be pushed to dentist.


Letters from Max S. [Max Schneider]. ALTADENA P.O. Box 231. Previous letters must have strayed or foundered. He is back from desert, well again, but eyes now incapable of fine jewelry work. He asks advice—new job—at his age! [I Ching hexagram] Fang. 55. Fire/Sol. AL II 74 Hieroglyph exactly on word ‘length.’


Leffingwell [Roy Leffingwell] & wife [Rhea Leffingwell] smashed in car: minor injuries now no more: promises to deed to me ground for Temple.


Note Mr. & Mrs. McIntyre: car.


