Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Thursday, 17 April 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 62.


3 A.M. Woke: she [X.—Grace M. Horton] seemed O.K. Got her a fresh hot-water bottle. This in dark—brought on attack.


4 1/2 Got her hot milk. She complains always that her bed is uncomfortable. I noticed that she had burnt her night-table. “For a whole week I hadn’t got an ash-tray.” Never occurred to her to get one!!


The disturbance cost me vomiting & diarrhoea 1/6 H.[eroin].


All O.K. all day.


Curious incident (a) I wired electrician (b) telegram for me “Ill in bed.” Signature illegible (c) Sent Dora to telephone others S.O.S. (d) electrician came: wire was from Capt. Plant! Rather [I Ching hexagram] 62, all this!

