Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 22 April 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 43.
X. [Grace M. Horton] pretty well & cheerful. The dentist had made some small adjustment, which, though it did not much relieve the general discomfort, greatly diminished the pain caused by eating.
Nice letter from F.H. [Frieda Harris] says “I come quickly.” Cf. Rev xxiii.20.
In the wee sma’ X “Couldn’t sleep & went down for a drink”. Very nearly half a bottle.
Went to Prince of Orange for drinks.
[Air raid] Alert 9.40. At 9.47 two very big & four not so small bangs, quite close.
Went out: big show over Totues(?) (?Plymouth seems too far) search-lights, flares, fires, heavy gunfire.
Wrote poem for Ralph Shirley with his Easter fight of “Temperance.”