Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 23 April 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 42.
I was wrong about Plymouth: 32 1/2 m. by road instead of 45, as I had been told. Even at 25 m. bee-line, the fires seemed to subtend a surprisingly large arc.
I was right about the bombs: right, also, to have vacated Mid Warberry Road, where they fell, killing six people & injuring 8.
Chess v.[ersus] Adler 7-0. The first game I played in my sleep, waking to find a Knight gone. So I arose & smote him: a brilliant finish. The other games were plain steam-roller, bar a short nap during No. 5 so that I had to think up another bayonet charge! R[ook] & 2P[awn] against 2 Rooks & 1 P.
Queer, the “incident” was somehow felt as real & damnable, an effect never made by all the havoc in London when I was in it.