Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 29 April 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 47.


X. [Grace M. Horton] in pain—too much Coates brought on a bad fit of pessn(?) mania. Made her go to bed; she recovered in 1 1/2 hour.


Alice [Alice Upham] here—usual preliminaries.


X O.K. at dinner, but upset by heavy alert & some bombs (?) Alice & I started to make love 10.30-12.15 A.M. (Note [I Ching hexagram] line 3: we put off climax).


Then X started another hellish row, about nothing. Disgusting bad sportsmanship. Alice went to calm her. She succeeded, but much harm had been done. Air Warden & Constable came in.


