Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 10 May 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 27.


Letter from Asa; says he’ll come Thursday. Wrote back a 28 line l. letter.


Dora’s husband coming-? Can she carry on?


Wrote to Alice [Alice Upham].


Made notes on Tarot—final criticism—for Frieda [Frieda Harris].


Black-eyed bar-legged ‘bus bitch didn’t turn up.


Drank too much: was really naughty, taking an extra 1/6 H.[eroin] at 10 P.M.


But it helped me with a Fire-Watching letter to W. George Speare Fire Prevention Officer.


Letter from Shirley [Ralph Shirley]—rather good.


Session with Troubles (?) about new glasses: the job will cost the best part of £30.


Worked on plan for fire-watching.


