Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 18 May 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 17.
Woke 3.10 & again 4.0 a.m. pretty bad. Much phlegm, coughing, & distress. 1/6 [Heroin] did not bring full immediate relief so 5.20 Adr.[enalin] 10 min.
More [Heroin] about 11: a third dose at 7 P.M. put me more or less right.
F.A.K. blew in at 3 instead of 4—she is never there when wanted. She started all sorts of arguments about the cost of living: I was coolly contemptuous.
Wrote a long letter to [F.W.] Hylton, to try to enlighten him.
Dyspnoea at night 5 min. Adr.[enalin] v.[ery] effective: slept at once.