Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Monday, 19 May 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 6.


Woke 5.20, soaked in cold sweat, from violent dreams.


Terrific bang quite close shook house heavily.


Coughing & retching with very much phlegm. The 1/6 [Heroin] didn’t seem to act well: some apparently leaked.


Weather turned foul.


All Clear 6 a.m.


Cough shattering: Dig am(?) Gels helped it.


Only £4 from Frieda [Frieda Harris].


Asa hopes to come.


Wrote contentiously to these two, & [F.W.] Hylton.


Kenyon Wilson Abergeldie Cleveland Road called for secretarial work.


1/6 [Heroin] at 12 o’c.


Torquay deliberately machine gunned & bombed. Fleet St. & Strand damaged; bombs smashed two houses just opposite Imperial.


Ultimatum from Agent re. rent.


Wrote F.H. [Frieda Harris] again desperate.


Damned ill.


Had to taxi back.


1/6 [Heroin] at 4 1/2. 5 mins. Adr.[enalin] at 7. 1/6 [Heroin] at 11.


Real dyspnoea.


1st bad go since Feb. 20.


