Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 20 May 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 50.
Symbol for K.W. [I Ching hexagram] 58. Tui i.e., vult. Mihi licet? [I Ching hexagram] 27. I. This Hex[agram] has always been good for me: it is an utterly direct answer to XI°: but the Thwan is contradicted by the Duke in every line! Why? It is פ (AL.I.57).
Woke 2 3/4 v.[ery] bad.
10 min. Adr.[enalin]
Slept till 7 1/4 had 1/6 [Heroin].
Sent S.O.S. all round via milkmaid.
Pickford’s brought Richmond stuff.
Mrs. Goodall has stolen a lot.
K.W. came, helped unpack.
12 1/2 1/6 [Heroin]:
[hereafter designated
Mrs. Blackburn came: started to clean ship.
Capt. Plant came. Chess 5-0.
[Dr.] Lodge came, said I’d cured myself.