Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 7 June 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 20.


[horary figure for 11 A.M. opening of TAROT show]


Show cancelled! See Memoranda* for events of day.


10.30 P.M. To bed.


Not one word from Oxford!!!


Invoked Mercury all A.M. turning every thing that turned up into a mercurial symbol.


At 11 took Caduceus in .., gave Battery & 418 asserted [EPMHC EIMI] & gave all “to the dwellers of earth” by [Thelema].


Wired F.H. [Frieda Harris] Hermes Eimi 418 Success 666 Nine equals Two.


Letter from Munro re. Income Tax Rebate.


Pam back from Yorkshire.


P.S. Show open at Randolph!!


*Yesterday a small child entered lounge. Mamma rescued her. Introductions: Mrs. Sinclair etc. To-day Mrs. S. & I got talking: guided.” His father is second Cousin to Sir A. Manifested & showed ([I Ching hexagram] 20 Kwan) my Tarot stuff. Much impressed. Paddled up to [Cookham] Weir [at Lake Pasquaney] where I wrote AHA! Hot-stuff tide. Then fierce wind upstream when I turned. 55 min. in all.


