Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Tuesday, 17 June 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 26.


Turned very hot.


Very bad lunch at Chinese with Alice [Alice Florey].


Found Latakia & Turkish cigar/ettes.


Long talk with Michael Juste.


Sold a Yoga [Eight Lectures on Yoga].


Mike is trying hard to make me distrust Frieda [Frieda Harris]. As if I ever believed his bombastic lies.


Thames Hotel gives me nice letter.


Owing to chemist’s original blunder the 1/12 [Heroin] & the 1/6 [Heroin] (indistinguishable to the eye) got mixed & a solution of not quite accurately known strength has been used. Now 11.40 P.M. June 1 this has been cleared up.


