Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Sunday, 22 June 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 41.
Bad chill—no wonder; I acted silly yesterday!
Diarrhoea swift, violent, painful.
3.4 A.M. 1/6
Worked on make-up of Pentagram till 5.30.
Woke 8.20 very asthmatic: so extra 1/6 [Heroin] v.[ery] hot again: but temp. must have fallen suddenly during night.
Worked on Book hard all day: changed title to Thumbs Up!
Alleged 92° yesterday 98° F to-day. P.S. There were not official shade temps.
Churchill’s Broadcast on Hun-U.S.S.R. A roaring screaming farce: one of the funniest I’ve ever heard.