Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Tuesday, 24 June 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 56.
Police here re. N[icholson] & V[enn] [Gallery] theft.
12 Apex Printing Asa to meet me. Asa turned up duly with the Magical Box 100% precision: 2% psychology: 3% imagination.
Took him to meet Alice [Alice Florey] at Victor’s. M.A.S. [Maurice A. Sutherland] turned up: he, I & Alice at Demos [restaurant].
Got 1/4 lb. Turkish tobacco: not bad at all.
With Munro’s help got Apex to set up Thumbs Up! on tick.
Took M.A.S. subsn. for No. 7 & borrowed £1.9.0.
Paid Apex for typing U.S.A. ....: Alice [Florey] offered to send them off.
M.A.S. to see U.S.A. Embassy re. my passport—visa etc.
Luck stayed with me to the last; the tweeds arrived, & I got a taxi!