Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 29 June 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 6.


The Sullivan hag had bedded the prowling Yid Yoni in my sitting-room! Asa came down and can bear witness that Old Bambo refused my offer to pay.


I walked him up to Boulters’ lock & in “the Divide.”


Back to tea and horoscope. His square + square trine , , dominate.


In Asc. conjunct conjunct + . A powerful but bad figure. His conjunct my . He might help to found a Gold Coast Thelemite Galaxy—or, rather, do it himself: I can’t be bothered! He is a really charming man; very straight, I judge. Says he is “normal” but one woman is enough.


The crone calmed slightly, but needs a legal Inpantskick.


Subconsciously, I have been very much annoyed by all this przemysling:


I did a 4th [Heroin] 1/6 out of sheer devilishness. (Not quite fair: shortage of tobacco & other worries have really worn me down).


