Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 10 August 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 31.


Clock back.


Woke 1 P.M. from terrific Tamasha with Anti Christian fights. A long series. At one Christian meeting I altered a hymn & a woman got hysterics & vomited—oh! enough to write a long novel.


I have been reading Rupert Gleadow’s book “Magic & divination.”


1 o’c. Alice [Alice Florey] Fitzroy. Hamnett [Nina Hamnett] there: said Jameson [John Jameson] wanted to see me. Cunnilingus.


8 o’c. M.A.S. [Maurice A. Sutherland] He can’t defend the Catalan form of the Q’s G declined as I play it!


NINA 18 Charlotte St.


