Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Friday, 12 September 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 31.


Parsons says no income for at least 6 months.


Wrote appeal to V.I. [Gerald Yorke].


Alice [Alice Florey] here.


Really bad nightmare. I and one or two old friends met in Paris—small restnt. kept by Mme. Bourcier.


I was in some sort of dark uniform. Numerous dull episodes; then I was caught by 4 Nazis; we all joined hands & swung off. But man at other end of line said: I won’t take his hand, seeing what we mean to do with him. They closed in, hoisted me & one clutched my scrotum hurting me badly. I grabbed at the hair of two of them: woke, heart palpitating wildly.


