Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Wednesday, 17 September 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 39.


N.L.T. [Night Letter] to Saturnus [Karl Germer]. Yours Sept. 2 Dennes untrustworthy stop Inform everybody Aleister invented V-sign for Victory Crowley address 10 H. Sq.


1 o’c. Had to wait in (vainly) for parcel from Chiswick Press: so cut appt. with Roy Campbell.


Everett wrote stupidly to ask if he should do what we had agreed that he should do.


Chiswick Press apologized: muddle even about C.O.D. McNeill—only decent person in firm—apologized nicely.


M.A.S. [Maurice A. Sutherland] chess 3-1. Resigned first game in a temper! Dare say I might have drawn. One game very brilliant.


