Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Thursday, 23 October 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 7.


12 1/2 A.M. Woke in attack of fear plus asthma.


Took 1/6 [Heroin]. O.K. at once.


Logic: begin “How shall I get the course of analysis, several others even worse. There is only one issue: suicide. Even thus do I worry.


12.30 Yorkshire Grey Cecil [Robert Cecil] re. Exeat myself into an honest-to-God attack!!


Alice [Alice Florey] here.


Saw Greta [Valentine] & her partner “Bill”—ideal rich old woman’s quack. They agreed my leg was due to a needle.


8 M.A.S. [Maurice A. Sutherland] here. About even; but I was too worried, & in too much pain to play my best, or even near it.


Old Mrs. Camm. [Charles Cammell's wife], revolting cow, accosted me in Gloucester Place, and pestered me. Had to threaten her with arrest.[1]



1—Charles Cammell's wife, Ionia, had sent samples of her handmade tweeds to AC, who promptly sold them to his various acquaintances and kept the money. Ionia sought remuneration, and although Crowley laughed it off at first, the matter became a bone of contention that tore a rift in their friendship. Although Cammell continued to admire Crowley’s talent as a poet, his unfriendly behavior mystified him. Standing by his wife, Cammell decided honor prohibited their friendship. They would never speak again.



