Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Saturday, 25 October 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 31.


Woke 2 1/2 some asthma & severe pain 1/6 [Heroin].


Slept til 8 1/4 woke with less asthma & hardly any pain 1/6 .


10 1/4 Not at all urgent—slight malaise, if that. 1/6 .


I believe it’s a boil after all: it acts exactly like one.


Slept 12-1 3/4. Pain on waking and some very slight distress 1/6 .


No real urgency. Antophlogistine brought by Alice [Alice Florey]: put it on.


4 1/2 Tea.


Feeling abject 5 1/4 took 1/4 .


6 Morrison turned up, united the two diagnoses: says “boil from puncture abscess.”


Put off Diamond & Sutherland [Maurice A. Sutherland]: I can’t bear any body or any thing.


8 1/2 Deep in one of these pointless panics: breathing v.[ery] bad.


Took M[orphine] & A[tropine].


