Aleister Crowley Diary Entry

Sunday, 26 October 1941



[I Ching hexagram] 40.


Several bouts of sleep til 3 1/4.


Asthma developed on waking. I had meant to fight; but this attack persuaded me to try the other exp[erimen]t.—how well for how long if I take an Early Double?


3 1/2 1/3 [Heroin].


4 o’c. immediate reaction good: I want to work.


Did so: then slept till 8—deeply, pleasant dreams.


11 o’c. Boredom (I fear) more than malaise 1/6 . No need at all.


3 1/2 renewed dressing: much pus.


4 1/4 Asthma mildly threatened M[orphine] & A[tropine].


8 1/4 1/6 hoping to start a good night from about 11 P.M. N.[o] G.[ood]. Slept all night, but woke from dream of superb young jet-black nigger whore.


