Aleister Crowley Diary Entry Wednesday, 29 October 1941
[I Ching hexagram] 25.
12.5 Woke: some dyspnoea
12 1/2 M[orphine] & A[tropine]
7 Woke 1/3
Dozed till 11 1/2. No dyspnoea or yen(?).
Looked at boil; some pus—lots of bloody serum through bandage. Clean; no pain unless pressed. But aggravating.
Reported to Greta [Valentine].
Noon. No dyspnoea or yen: 1/6
Four. ditto [Heroin]
ditto. Nine [Heroin].
Really annoyed at Greta’s neglect.
241 [asthma
symptoms] began 1/6
Alice [Alice Florey helped again
Bayley [James Gilbert Bayley] brought Fuller [J.F.C. Fuller] on War.
Very dull setting-forth Caps. I-XII after that damned good
Greta promised to call or send urgent—she didn’t.
Out at Rickmansworth on case till 9.